Attitude of University Students towards Cultural Openness in Pakistan
Culture holds strong position in the social value system in Pakistan. It portrays vibrant colors of diversity and pluralism; however, the growing complexities of issues surrounding culture are significantly influencing young people towards cultural extremism. In this regard, the role of society as well as education is significant. The study is designed to find the attitude of students towards cultural openness, and to unearth, how well they comprehend its role in changing society. The research design is framed under quantitative survey method. Population includes all the students, studying at university level in Karachi, Pakistan. Sample includes all the undergraduate/post graduate students, who took Pakistan Studies/Islamic Studies as majors. Sample size n=250 was determined through random sampling. Cultural sensitivity scale was drafted, which was validated through content validity, and was piloted to check reliability. For ethical consideration, respondents signed consent letter. Findings disclosed that majority of the respondents share global cultural values; however they are highly influenced by their defined cultural boundaries. Their tolerance level is correlated to their cultural sensitivity. They have certain reservations on religious grounds, and their decisions are greatly influenced by cultural ideology. It is suggested to strengthen global cultural openness and plurality among higher level students through value education. Curriculum at higher education level should be revised. Contextual resources should be drafted to immerse global cultural values and to develop rational and critical thinking skills. Further, global exchange programs should be initiated at higher level to give global cultural exposure to the students. ______