Indo-Muslim Historiography during the reign of Sultanate of Delhi: Its genesis and major trends


  • Humera Naz


This article aims to highlight impacts of Muslim rule on origin and development of Indian historiography. The period of the Sultanate of Delhi is significant for origin and introduction of some trends and traditions in Indian historiography for which we have find no records before this era. This essay is fundamentally based upon the literature review which offers an overview of the historical literature concerning different categories in history produced under the royal aegis. Besides the political history, some new aspects in terms of non-political historical literature are also considered on the basis of the mulfuzat, manaqib and insha literature. The paper explores the idea and concept regarding History was not considered as a recognized science (‘ilm) either secular or religious in medieval India with a specific object and methodology. In spite, as a subject, it was an elegant art and a noble discipline (fan-i sharif). The paper concludes by identifying the major prevailing historiographical trends during this era which were trend setter for the future historians. I anticipate that this endeavor would reveal some extent the true perception about the prevailing traditions and characteristics in Indo-Persian historiography. –––––––––


