Making of Climate Refugees amid Ecological Disruption in South Asia


  • Eric Sharoon Shahzar Ph.D Scholar at the Department of International Relations, University of Karachi. Also the author is a writer for the World Economic Forum


Climate refugees, displacement, climate crisis, mitigation & adaption


In the coming decades, the world will be defined by how it tackles the climate crisis. With climate disasters becoming more common and frequent than ever, the making of climate refugees has become a norm – causing economic strains of unprecedented scale and nature. Rising sea levels, droughts, desertification, torrential rains, and melting of the glaciers – will only intensify climate induced displacement all across the globe. However, the region most vulnerable to climate refugees remains South Asia. The region must collaborate as a whole to mitigate the effects of accelerated climate change, and create a robust mechanism to cater climate refugees. The international community has done little to advocate for the rights of climate refugees. These people still do not have legal protection as they are not recognised as refugees. The issue of climate displacement must be at the top agenda on all international forums. Climate change sees no boundaries. Therefore, the world community, especially South Asia, must unite to cope with the effects of ecological disruption on an urgent basis.


