Notes Where is She? Representation of Women in History


  • Rukhsana Ali


Some months ago the media reported the public flogging of a young woman by the male members of the village. It was not only an item in the print news, or a just a mention on TV news channels, but the latter, time and again played and replayed the actual video clip of the happening. The entire nation, if not the entire world, viewed it. Though we had heard and still do hear about such incidents, to actually see it happening live was very painful, and it stayed with us, and I am sure that now as I mention it, the video clip must have started replaying in many of our minds. It was horrific and unpalatable. Many of us, at that time must have thought that finally, here is real live proof of the crime, and there is no way anyone can ignore it and that, justice will be done. But was it? We all know that, in a day or two, the young woman and her family gave a statement that nothing of the sort had happened and that the video was false. While the newscaster was relaying this statement, the video clip was once again replayed. What was happening? An undeniable proof of the crime was being denied, and was being erased from history.


