Pakistan Perspectives - Policy Document
1. Frequency of journal
Pakistan Perspectives is a bi annual research journal (two issues per year).
2. Authority:
Articles submitted for publication in the journal will be processed according to the suggestions/ decision of the Editorial Board.
3. Guidelines for submission of research articles
- Declaration: The author(s) will also submit a declaration stating that the work is original, not published anywhere earlier, and not submitted for publication in any other journal or publisher(s).
- Article Length: Should be from 3000 to 7000 words.
- Similarity Check: Plagiarism check by the author(s) is encouraged, before submitting the article. Turnitin similarity index report may also be sent along the article.
- Referencing Style: References must be in Turabian Style. Also make sure that a uniform referencing style is used throughout the article.
- Articles with incomplete references will be sent back to the author(s).
- Joint Authorship: In case of joint paper, authors’ declaration should accompany the submission, giving detail about the sections written by individual authors.
- The journal gives preference to single author articles. The work of two authors are acceptable only in the case one is Ph.D. supervisor while the other is a Ph.D. candidate.
- Manuscripts: It should be typewritten or prepared on a word processor, with all material double-spaced, on one side of letter-sized paper, with suitably wide margins. All pages should be numbered consecutively, beginning with page 1, being the title page. Tables and figures should be numbered serially, and legends to illustrations should be prepared on separate sheets. Tables and figures will be placed near their first mention in the text; all tables and figures must be referred to in the manuscript.
- Abstract: Each article must be preceded by a succinct abstract, 250 to 300 words, that highlights the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the paper.
- Key words: To identify the subjects under which the article may be indexed, 5-6 key words should be provided.
- The author(s) must also acknowledge the contributions of people, organizations and institutes which assisted in the process of research, including those who provided technical help, writing assistance or financial funding.
- Draft must be submitted at the website with a covering letter carrying the title of the article, author’s full name, institutional affiliation, mailing address and any other information that the author wishes to send related to the paper.
4. Peer Review Policy
Pakistan Perspectives is a double-blind peer reviewed research journal. All articles submitted to journal are sent to the reviewers without the details of author and his/her affiliation.
5. Originality and Plagiarism Policy
Pakistan Perspectives publishes only original research conducted by the authors as mentioned in author’s guideline. The similarity index is allowed upto 19% as per policy of the HEC Pakistan..
6. Data Access and Retention
If any question arises about the accuracy or validity of the research work during the review process, the author(s) would be asked to provide raw data to the Editor.
7. Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of our journals and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
8. Deadlines of all Processes
The authors can submit their research paper, books reviews, notes and comments throughout the year. There is no submission deadline.
9. Reviewing and Editing
Pakistan Perspectives is double blind peer-reviewed journal. Submitted papers are evaluated by independent referees or Editorial Board members specialized in the article field. Our Reviewers evaluate submitted material’s scientific significance and novelty, define its accordance to general journal profile, scrutinize its content for compliance with the journal’s publication ethics. After the refereeing process is completed, the paper may be rejected, returned to the author for revisions, or accepted for publication.
The author(s) are responsible for the contents of their manuscript. Editor(s) may request an author, when considered necessary, for elaboration in the content or technical details. Scientific editing might change format and correct the writing to render it compliant with editorial policy of the journal.
Pictures and graphs are special subject to editorial consideration, as their quantity should be optimal and only necessary in the content of papers. Pictures, graphs and textual content alike are subject to ethical standards concerning authorship and integrity. Additionally, whenever images are included in accounts of research process or results, or in data collections, the author must provide an accurate description of how the images originated.
10. Article Processing and Publication Fee
The article processing charges is Rs.15,000/- which includes Rs.3,000/- as an initial deposit at the time of article submission and Rs.12,000/- at the time of publication.
The Author(s) are directed to pay the processing charges through a crossed cheque / pay order or online transfer. The detail of bank account is given below:
Account Title: Pakistan Perspectives
Account #: 22883002290473
Bank: National Bank of Pakistan Islamic Branch,
Branch: Gulstan-e-Johar, Karachi