Interventions Vs Authorities at Muslim Shrine
Shrine is an important component in urban settlement of Muslim society. Muslims show their devotion and association by visiting these religious magnets regularly.1 Their affiliation and devotedness compel them to manifest their feeling by adding certain buildings in the premises of khanqah, by repairing and painting the shrine or by participating in the ceremonies and rituals. Similarly, administrators of the waqf make interventions in the name of providing the facilities to the zaireen. Sajjada nashin or khalifa of the saint has also keen interest to provide maximum facilities to the zaireen who are assumed as guests of the saint. Some time, rulers add some structures to show their presence in the khanqah. All these activities ultimately damage the spiritual environment and affect the identity of architectural merits of shrines. Authorities try to make certain arrangements to prohibit the devotees to mark their expression. This article deals about administrative, spatial and structural interventions at Muslim shrines.