Redefining the Indian Factor in ChinaPakistan Relations in post-Cold War Era


  • Aman Memon


A qualitative shift in the international and regional power structures has been observed in the aftermath of the Cold War. These changing paradigms of international and regional power arrangements compelled the regional and global actors to re-examine and re-interpret their foreign policy pursuits in the light of their foreign policy goals. The dismemberment of the Soviet Union and subsequently the emergence of the U.S.A. as the sole superpower of the world, have reshaped the contours of the world power structure. The bipolar international power structure of the Cold War era vanished in consequence of the end of the Cold War and paved the way for the new world order of unipolarity. By the same token, at the regional level, the power equations of the Cold War times also lost their significance; as a result, new sets of bilateral and multilateral strategic arrangements surfaced, for instance


